Challenge 3

Water conflicts and curbing methods

World leaders seem to have unanimously agreed to the fact that the next World war will be fought over water, and the current situation in Africa, south-east and western Asia are proving the same. Verbal exchanges between the Prime ministers of Egypt and Ethiopia over Nile river are not satisfactory from the perspective of a third person. (Malone, 2013)

Water conflicts and curbing methods

Unlike any other conflict, water conflicts possess a pan global appeal. These issues are being treated with the same level of anxiety and tension between various groups, states, and countries as it is in any other part of the world. However, none of this started recently though. Ever since human settlement started to take place near water bodies, water conflicts emerged and solved over time (Anon., 2019).

Water is used in its direct and indirect forms in many aspects of human lives, therefore clean and safe water is quintessential to make sure the systems run smoothly and efficiently. Most conflicts are related to potable water while some over industrial or agricultural needs and a few regarding energy production (Anon., 2019).

This being the case, finding solutions to the problems among us has never been more important than right now. Hence, the suggestions to curb water conflicts are,

  • Formulating treaties with the help of national and international law makers
  • Maintaining good diplomatic relations
  • Raising awareness among public on the importance of water preservation and
    controlled use
  • Water reuse and reclamation
  • Scientific irrigation practices
  • Crop selection based on climatic conditions
  • Desalination and atmospheric water generators
  • More efficient treatment methods to ensure more permeate and less concentrate

Water in all its glory is vital for every economy to thrive. Lack of water is possibly due to the climatic conditions or unscientific extraction and usage, therefore effective policy making is crucial in making certain that all parties involved in the conflict are benefitted.


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gayh/
Ajeesh Nellikunnel Jose
School of Engineering and Architecture
Water Technology

SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
Bonhoefferstr. 11
69123 Heidelberg