08.09 – 07.12.2021
9:30 – 12:45
East-West Dialogue│ Prevention and resolution of water conflicts: Advancing management, communication, and technical skills of the next generation leaders is a DAAD-financed project within the research program “Ost-West-Dialog.
Series of Webinars in the frame of the East-West Dialogue:
8.9.21 | River Jordan – Conflicts & Cooperation, Rüdiger Heidebrecht, German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA)
13.9.21 | Intercultural Communication and Management, Enrique Rumiche, Intercultural Trainer at SRH University Heidelberg
17.9.21 | Management for the leaderships of tomorrow: A new Generation of Manager: Agil, Digital, International, Intercultural, Interdisciplinary and High Educated, Dr. Tanja Lowak Strategic Management Trainer at SRH University Heidelberg
26.10.21 | Innovation vs. Sustainability – Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerber, SRH University Heidelberg
02. 11.03.21 | Design Thinking Workshop – Prof. Benjamin Zierock, Gründerinstitut Heidelberg
09.11.21 | Entrepreneurial thinking and acting in the labor market of the future – Prof. Bernhard Küppers, Gründerinstitut Heidelberg
16.11.2021 | Sustainable drinking water consumption in view of aggravating the environmental crisis, Simon Schaub, Heidelberg University, Institute for Political Science (IPW)
23.11.2021 | Studying in Russia / Studying in Germany – International Offices SRH University Heidelberg and Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
30.11.2021 | Water Wars: How control of access contributes to international conflicts, Luke Hally, Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK)
07.12.2021 | Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality in Water Technology – Dr. Enis Yazici, SRH Technological Education Center
Flyer of the programme
Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 939 7511 7257
Passcode: Heidelberg